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League Committee:

The League is administered by numerous volunteers, if you need to contact them email is the best option, contacts are below for each individual committee member. If you are attempting to telephone a committee member, please restrict contact to between 6.00pm and 9.00pm. Please remember we are all volunteers and any abuse of any kind will not be tolerated. Official contact must be made via named club officials to discuss league business.

SecretaryAidan Reidsecretary@sglfl.co.uk
Co ChairpersonJo Waldronjo.waldron@sglfl.co.uk
Co ChairpersonSteve Wallbanksteve.wallbank@sglfl.co.uk
Vice ChairAidan Reidvicechair@sglfl.co.uk
Welfare OfficerAdam Careywelfare@sglfl.co.uk
TreasurerSteve Aldertreasurer@sglfl.co.uk
Registrations SecretarySteve Alderregistrations@sglfl.co.uk
Referees Secretary - NorthMark Finneyrefs-north@sglfl.co.uk
Referees Secretary - SouthJo Waldronrefs-south@sglfl.co.uk
Discipline OfficerAidan Reiddiscipline@sglfl.co.uk
Social Media OfficerCharlotte Olliermedia@sglfl.co.uk
Fixtures Secretary - U8Bianca Scutariuu8-fixtures@sglfl.co.uk
Fixtures Secretary - U9Emma Alderu9-fixtures@sglfl.co.uk
Fixtures Secretary - U10Mark Hackneyu10-fixtures@sglfl.co.uk
Fixtures Secretary - U11Ian Ashmanu11-fixtures@sglfl.co.uk
Fixtures Secretary - U12Lee Fordu12-fixtures@sglfl.co.uk
Fixtures Secretary - U13Alex Turneru13-fixtures@sglfl.co.uk
Fixtures Secretary - U14Adam Careyu14-fixtures@sglfl.co.uk
Fixtures Secretary - U15Steve Bradburyu15-fixtures@sglfl.co.uk
Fixtures Secretary - U16Alex Turneru16-fixtures@sglfl.co.uk
Fixtures Secretary - U18Steve Wallbanku18-fixtures@sglfl.co.uk
Fixtures Secretary - Open AgeSteve Wallbankladies-fixtures@sglfl.co.uk
Fixtures Secretary - Womens MidweekWayne HarrisWMRL@sglfl.co.uk
IT AdminDave Fawdonadmin@sglfl.co.uk